During the past few years, automobiles have become more technologically advanced. On-board computer systems, electronic ignition modules, and numerous sensors are found in even the most basic models. While today’s cars are more efficient than those sold just a few years ago, things haven’t changed much in terms of service and repairs. Whether a customer decides to take their vehicle to a dealership or independent car mechanic in Forest Lake MN, the tips in this guide will help them maximize their investment.
Get a Written Estimate
When a repair shop offers an estimate, it’s important to get it in writing. To ensure the actual repair cost doesn’t significantly exceed the quote, tell the shop that they must get authorization if the final cost exceeds the estimate by 10% or more. Furthermore, if repairs are authorized, verify that the estimated charges will be removed from the bill.
Ask to See Old Parts
If a major component must be replaced, drivers should always ask that the old parts be returned. If a dispute arises, an inspection of these parts by an independent Car Mechanic in Forest Lake MN is an easy way to substantiate a complaint.
Ensure the Completion of Work Orders
One of the most important things to remember is that signing a blank work order is like giving the shop a blank check. Work orders should have all the customer’s personal information (name, phone number, address, and vehicle details), and they should describe the work to be done as well. When possible, ask for a copy of the work order. If the shop determines that additional work is necessary, ask for another estimate and prior approval before the job progresses.
It’s Acceptable to Get a Second Opinion
If an estimate exceeds the customer’s expectations, it’s a good idea to seek a second opinion. Customers should remember that some repairs require significant diagnostic effort, and they should be wary of estimates that only quote labor and parts for a full replacement. However, if a problem isn’t so obvious, it may be more cost-efficient to simply repair it.
Find a Reliable Shop Today
Like other recommendations, word-of-mouth is a great way to find a reliable auto repair shop. Visit Americanimportsmn.com to learn more about the shop’s services or call today to schedule a service appointment.