The paint on your car is applied in multiple levels to keep it protected for longer periods of time. Because your car is constantly exposed to environmental elements, the paint is susceptible to wear and tear very quickly. In order to protect the paint job, a primer...

When the Time Comes to Service Your Vehicle
When something goes wrong with your vehicle, it can be a scary situation. No one wants to find themselves stranded on the side of the road, waiting for help. This is especially true when the fault falls on your own shoulders because you did not seek proper routine...
Cuándo utilizar SR-22 en Chicago, IL
El SR-22 es una de las posibilidades de los seguros de auto que peor entienden los conductores. En este artículo tratamos de explicar qué es y sobre todo cuándo necesitas este certificado. Sí, has leído bien, el SR-22 no es un seguro, sino un certificado. El SR-22 es...
Shop at a Volkswagen Dealer, Buy in Lockport
If you are looking for a brand new Volkswagen, you only have one choice: you must shop at a Volkswagen dealer. But, what if you are looking for a Volkswagen that is a used or only been driven a few times? Technically, you could go to any Lockport area dealership, but...

The Deadliest Times on the Road Revealed
Face it, just buying a car and then acquiring auto insurance in Illinois to cover it isn’t enough. That auto insurance only goes so far and it’s up to you to keep you and your loved ones safe when driving and having them in the car with you. While there is never truly...