Seeing Clearly With a New Windshield – What You Should Know About Windshield Repair
It always seems to happen when you least expect it -; as if out of nowhere a stone slams into your windshield with a resounding "thud". Or because you are a first responder you receive an emergency page. You leap into your Chevy pickup and take off down the road. Not even 1/2-mile down the road...
Tips on Avoiding Expensive Auto Repair in Montgomery TX
For the most part, owning a car is a pleasurable experience. There are a number of situations a person may encounter with their car that can cause a great deal of stress. Just like any other piece of man-made machinery, eventually a car will require some maintenance and repair. Although some...
Reasons to Get ECU Tuning Done by a Professional
A modern automobile has over 80 different computers, but the biggest and most important is the ECU, or engine control unit. Sometimes referred to as an ECM (engine control module), the ECY controls engine functions such as air/fuel mixture, spark timing and much more. Externally, the ECU resembles...
Tdi Diesel Engines; Fun To Drive And Very Efficient
TDi, Turbocharged Direct Injection engines have it all; they are fun to drive, they are more powerful; they are extremely economical as well as very efficient. With all these attributes why would anyone even think twice before buying one? How does a Volkswagen TDi diesel engine work? For fuel to...
Find a Good Torque Converter Parts Supplier
The vehicles which are equipped with an automatic transmission are always known to use the torque convertor instead of the regular clutch which enables a car to remain idle without propelling it. Immediately the engine of the car attains a certain speed; the torque converter pushes the power that...