Tech Items Kia Dealers in Albuquerque NM Recommend To Keep Your Car COVID-Free

by | Dec 3, 2020 | Autos


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Engineers are doing everything they can to help stop the spread of COVID-19. For people driving around their Kia in Albuquerque or other areas, this means trying to find solutions to eliminate the spread of the virus through their cars.

If you’re a driver interested in keeping your car COVID-free, here are some technologies worth looking into:

Ultraviolet Light
The first technology that could help keep your car free from the virus is ultraviolet light. This kind of technology has actually been used for years in various industries such as healthcare and airlines.

The ultraviolet technology used to kill bacteria is called Grēnlite. This uses ultraviolet-C light, or UV-C for short, to destroy nucleic acids and stop the reproduction of microorganisms and pathogens. Once the light shines in your car, the disinfection period begins. Grēnlite units are currently used in ambulances and can take around 20 minutes to completely eliminate pathogens, but smaller vehicles can take significantly less time to do so.

When thinking of installing Grēnlite units into your car, you should know that the UV-C light that it uses is more harmful to humans than the other types of ultraviolet light that people normally experience. When disinfecting your car with Grēnlite, make sure that nobody is in it. But afterwards, you’ll be able to drive your Kia in Rio Rancho without having to worry much about the virus.

The second type of technology that can help keep your car free from any pathogens is ozone gas. You may be more familiar with ozone than you think, as it’s the scent that you smell when your jumper cables spark. This technology has actually been used by sports teams to deodorize and sanitize equipment for years.

The main benefit of using ozone over ultraviolet light is that it can give a more thorough cleaning than Grēnlite. UV-C light only eliminates germs that it can reach, but not those in the crevices in your car that light can’t reach.

The manufacturer Magna is launching the Puro: a device that acts like a cooler that produces ozone gas in a space over a 25- or 45- minute cycle. This gas will circulate all over your car, not only neutralizing COVID-19, but also molds, pesticides, fungus, and other harmful substances.

Disinfecting Robots
The last of the three car curing solutions is robotics. Robots have been used to help sanitize everything from streets to our own houses, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to know that they can also help keep our cars COVID-free.

One of the more prominent sanitizing robots is manufactured by Pratt Miller, who fans of the Corvette race-team are familiar with. Miller has a Large area autonomous Disinfecting (LaaD) robot currently in charge of sanitizing the Gerald R. Ford Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The LaaD robot sprays FDA-approved electrostatic disinfectant to help exterminate any disease carrying pathogens. The electrostatic charge clings to surfaces to keep them free from any harmful substances.

Where To Learn More About COVID-Killing Car Parts
These three tech solutions are just some of the ways that engineers help keep drivers safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. But the best way to keep safe from the virus is to stay informed. If you want to know more helpful tips about car ownership, check out Fiesta Kia, one of the best Kia dealers in Albuquerque, NM to go to for car advice.

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